Row Selection on simple click

TAdvStringGrid problem.

Just upgraded to the latest version and now when I click on a row in the first column, the row is selected. Not when I click in the second column.

My grid is DisjuncRowSelect.

What can I do ?

Thanks !

Was retested here with a default grid on the form initialized with:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advstringgrid1.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect := true;
and this works as expected. What is different in your project?

I've found the problem.

The MouseActions.RawSelect was checked.

When I uncheck this option, It's works fine.

Very strange :)


Even with this initialization:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advstringgrid1.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect := true;
  AdvStringGrid1.MouseActions.RowSelect := true;

I cannot see a problem.

No, no change but I just see that an update is available.

Update : TAdvStringGrid v7.8.6.0

My version is