Can the TAdvFormStyler style selection be saved in an INI file? Saving it as String type doesn't work, of course.
Sorry, there is at this moment not a built-in function to save the style to file.
Cast AdvFormStyler.Style to an integer and save it this way as integer.
I can't seem to find a method to cast AdvFormStyler.Style to an integer value, or to set it from an integer value.
I have tried using a combobox item index, but that just sets the selected item, but does not select the style until I manually re-select it.
How can I force the combobox to execute the selection, or how do I do the cast as previously suggested?
This shows the style as integer: showmessage(inttostr(integer(advformstyler1.Style)));
To assign the style from integer:
i: integer;
i: integer;
AdvFormStyler.Style := TTMSStyle(i);
Simple. Thanks Bruno. Your help is greatly appreciated.