Save Form Style in INI?

Can the TAdvFormStyler style selection be saved in an INI file?  Saving it as String type doesn't work, of course.

Sorry, there is at this moment not a built-in function to save the style to file.

Cast AdvFormStyler.Style to an integer and save it this way as integer.


I can't seem to find a method to cast AdvFormStyler.Style to an integer value, or to set it from an integer value.

I have tried using a combobox item index, but that just sets the selected item, but does not select the style until I manually re-select it.

How can I force the combobox to execute the selection, or how do I do the cast as previously suggested?


This shows the style as integer:   showmessage(inttostr(integer(advformstyler1.Style)));

To assign the style from integer:
i: integer;
AdvFormStyler.Style := TTMSStyle(i);

Simple.  Thanks Bruno.  Your help is greatly appreciated.