Populating listbox with available styles

I like the Office and Panel Stylers.  They give the application a nice polish.  So far, I have been creating a list in my application with the styles I am aware of, and letting the user select from that list.  I am looking for a way to populate the list from the system instead.  I would like to know if there is a method to retrieve available styles at run time instead of hard coding the options.


You can use AdvFormStyler.GetStyles() that returns all styles as a TStringList.

Fantastic!  Thanks, I knew there had to be a simple solution.

Just a suggestion.  The AdvFormStyler allows you to link a combobox to do the selections, which is great.  

It doesn't allow the AdvComboBox though.  I would suggest allowing the use of the TMS combo box as well as the basic release combo box.

Ok, we change the combobox class to TCustomComboBox , so with the update  you'll be able to select a TAdvComboBox as well.