Row height behavior differs on Win 7 vs Win XP?

I am using string grids in frames to slide in panels showing information on file scans. Using an option I can control the level of detail, so some cells can have less lines than before when changing the setting.

The update is done by writing all grid cell content again, then calling AutoSizeColumns (true) and AutoSizeRows(true) + EndUpdate. On Windows 7 64bit the row height is reduced accordingly, however when testing on XP 64bit, the row height stays unchanged. Does anyone have an idea what could cause this issue? I tested on my XP virtual machine test platform and on an XP production system, both show same behavior.

Thanks! Matthias

There is no operating system dependency in row height calculation, so this surprises us.

DId you perform some basic tests with a default grid and add some text to cells and perform grid.AutoSizeRows() to see if this works? If a basic test works and not from your app, can you check what particular is different in your grid from the default grid and possibly check/exclude specific event handlers you might have used?

I will try to shrink down as much as I can, or start a sample from scratch and pack in functions via copy/paste. This way might be able to isolate the problem. Apart from the aero look and feel both behave fairly much the same - but the grid.

Thanks for quick reply!

FYI - not able to reproduce in an isolated application. Also did cleansing in problematic code as several items were fixed meanwhile n AdvGrid... and the problem disappeared. Will track this myself later and especially why this is only an issue on XP; should this be relevant in AdvGrid, I'll post an update, otherwise this is a false alarm from my side...

Ok, thanks for informing.