Rich Editor hiding words

I have a VCL TAdvRichEditor placed on a frame.

When I type into the editor at run-time (without any special formatting, just plain text), on most lines the final word ends up being hidden even though it is there. In other words it is almost as if the width of the line I am typing on is wider than the visible container such that the last work is hiding outside the right margin. 

If I save the contents and re-display it then everything is fine and all words are visible.

This also seems to be a problem when I attempt to go back and edit some existing text that I have just typed. If I want to insert text, sometimes the surrounding text becomes garbled, as if the control does not know where the insertion point is, and text at the end of the line which was previously visible becomes visible until I save the contents and re-display.

Are there some settings that might be controlling this kind of behaviour?

Sorry, there is a typo in the penultimate sentence of my original post. 

The phrase  "text at the end of the line which was previously visible becomes visible until I save the contents and re-display" should read
" text at the end of the line which was previously visible becomes hidden until I save the contents and re-display."

I have retested this here but I could not see any issue.
You can download this test project here:

Do you use the latest version and if so, what are you doing different from this test app?

Thank you for the reply and test project. When I ran it the problem did not appear to occur.

This enabled me to identify that the problem occurs when you connect the component to a TAdvRichEditorSpellCheck. I did that on your test project and the problem appeared immediately.