Rich Editor and Ribbon

Excellent start with the new components, but not quite ready for prime time.  In a quick test, I found the following issues with the RichEditorRibbon and RichEditorDockPanel samples:

  • When there is no text on the cursor line, you can select two, or even all three, of the alignment buttons.
  • The font size pulldown on my system shows only the first digit of the point size (I use large fonts on Win7).
  • If I select text with the mouse and leave the cursor on the empty line below the selection, that empty line is included in the selection and gets a bullet if I click the bullet button.  This is different from every other editor I have used, including the one I am using at this instant.
  • The text on the last three of the four 'editing' buttons in RichEditorRibbon wraps (eg Repla/ce) and only the top half of the 'ce' on the second line is visible.
  • When saving the 'bullet' sample file from the RichEditorDockPanel, the HTML content does not differentiate between the two bullet types.
I look forward to making use of this component, but it needs a bit more work before I could offer it to our customers in one of our applications.