Registered TWebUpdate still displays nag screen!

I used the trial version for a few days in Delphi 2009 to test it out and now have bought and downloaded the registered version ver

I removed all the trial TMS components from delphi 2009 and re-installed the registered version using the instructions in the install.txt file (which incidentally didn't mention removing any trial versions first)

I deleted the 'old' trial TWebUpdate component from the form in my app and replaced it with the 'new' paid for one.

However when I do an update I still get the trial nag screen saying 'Starting application update with TWebUpdate (c) 1998-2012 by'

How do I get to use my registered component?

Also, how can I tell if the one I'm using is the paid for one or not (apart from the nag screen not appearing)


Please make sure to first remove ALL trial version files, including ALL trial version .DCU, .BPL files on your system.

It might have been useful if the install.txt file said you had to delete all the trial version bits and pieces first. (although that has not been necessary with most of the other components that I have upgraded from trial to registered)

Better still, given that this is an auto-update component, it would have been good to have a single setup.exe for the paid version, just like there is for the trial version, that did all that for you.

In the end, after paying £50, I had to fiddle around and do the following steps.

  1. Manually remove the TWebUpdate component from Delphi.
  2. Manually delete the trial version path library search path to \My Programs that the trial version setup put in to Delphi.
  3. Use control panel to remove the trial version files from \My Programs
  4. Manually remove the folders in \My Progarms that the uninstall left behind.
  5. Manually recompile and install TWebUpdate again in Delphi

The result is that TwebUpdate now works OK inside my small test program but I no longer have any shortcuts in the start menu and I no longer have UpdateBuilder.exe as that didn't seem to be included in the paid for download.

Do I have to download that separately again?

UpdateBuilder is available for download from: