Please Confirm To Do list example works

I'm trying to get my first bit of my data in my webcore app.  I can get my data in the browser interactively.  I'm having a problem, so I thought I would go back and check out a demo.  I installed today (I uninstalled and removed the examples and the install dir as a precaution).

So load up the project group.  
Run the server without debugging.  Runs fine.

Run the client, which brings up in the browser: 
I get the HTML banner with the "TMS WEB Core: Using XData DB backend" but blank below it.

  • Can you confirm the example works ....
  • How do I diagnose what is going wrong?

can't test REST endpoints in browser as the example user authentication.


I'm not aware of issues.

Any errors visible in the browser console?

OK, so I had done some tinkering and got nothing, then did my post and then did some more...

The server is running fine.  If I comment out the "XDataServerGenericRequest" bit that intercepts the call and tells you you can't do anything without authenticating..... I get the standard XData stuff in the browser with /$model etc.

So I go to debug int the browser and there is only .JS source, so I think I'll go back and put into debig mode in Delphi.  flip to debug (rather than release) and it starts working, as in I get the login screen.

Any thoughts?

Jason, and when you are in the Release mode where everything is blank, do you get some errors in the console? Please open the browser console and rerun the application since the beginning, and let me know if there are some errors there.

Uncaught ReferenceError: td is not defined
    at Object.RenderGridSize (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Resize (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Loaded (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.DoCreate (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
    at Object.Create$5 (TMSWeb_TodoList.js:1)
In debug mode, there is no such error in the console.  It's getting late here, so closing down for now.  

What's the time difference between you and me, currently 21:38?

The issue
"Uncaught ReferenceError: td is not defined"

was internally already fixed. The next update will address this.

Thanks Bruno.  From a Newbie point of view, when things don't work as you expect them, you can burn a lot of clock cycles before you raise a support ticket.  Maybe you could do a quick 1.2.3 in terms of diagnosing problems.  I should have looked in the console, but lack of web experience meant I didn't even think to.


The browser console is the first thing to check. Always.
When there is nothing in the console, try inserting console.log() statements in your app to trace (via the console) what is happening in the app.

ta, do you not sleep! Ah - you are an hour later than me.
