I get this error when using GanttChart in a new Project since Update to in D11 and D12.
Tried to un-/re-install. Tried Debug and Release mode. Tried 32 bit and 64 bit.
First WebCore-Test showed me this error
I get this error when using GanttChart in a new Project since Update to in D11 and D12.
Tried to un-/re-install. Tried Debug and Release mode. Tried 32 bit and 64 bit.
First WebCore-Test showed me this error
Version 9.1.1 works now on VCL 32/64 and MultiDevice D11 and D12 here. WebCore - GanttChart has some hickups when it is connected to TMSFNCGanttChartDefaultProject. But when connected to a manually dropped Project-Component it seems to work.
Regards, Tom
Thank you for testing the TMS FNC Gantt Chart.
The problem with the TempSchedStart, is the one that was fixed in the new version to be compatible for TMS WEB Core.
We will have a look at the problem on TMS WEB Core, as we didn't experience this problem while testing.