AdvStringGrid with edSpinEdit and sptFloat

I want to make a grid cell use floating point numbers. I have found this example but the values are always limited to integers. I am using Delphi 10.3 and AdvStringGrid

procedure TForm1.gridGetEditorType(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
var AEditor: TEditorType);
AEditor := edSpinEdit;
grid.SpinEdit.EditorEnabled :=True;
grid.SpinEdit.Precision :=2;
grid.SpinEdit.SpinType :=sptFloat; {sptFloat defined in asgspin}
sgdData.SpinEdit.MinFloatValue := 1;
sgdData.SpinEdit.MaxFloatValue := 99;

  1. Specify inplace editor type in OnGetEditorType as edFloatSpinEdit
  2. Do any further spin editor customizations in OnGetEditorProp

Thank you. That works great! I completely missed the edFloatSpinEdit editor type.