I 'm Strugling with some problems using a bootstrap template.
My project have 2 forms, a simple login screen using bootstrap and an admin dashboard.
In the login form I call a new form that have only html admin dashboad bootstrap template on it.
But somehow the admin dashboard have some issues like some graphs missing and sidebar menu not working correctly. In the browser developer tools I can see some issues regarding javascript libs.
the source code of the project is this one
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(Tdashboardf, dashboardf); // dashboard Form
Application.CreateForm(Tmainf, mainf); //Login form
At first I thought that I was missing some javascripts libs,
But, if I start the aplication using the admin dashboard as the inicial form instead of the login one then everything is displayed and runs fine and without errors.
the source code of the project is
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(Tmainf, mainf); //Login form
Application.CreateForm(Tdashboardf, dashboardf); // dashboard Form
I send a link with the project and the template is on the debug folder inside a folder called "files"
the template is free so there is no problem sending it.
My goal is to develop with WebCore only using templates, so far I really like the framework, but I really need that templates works fine, I maybe missing something, but cannot figure out where.
I've also tried with other payed templates that I have and the result is the same.
Any help is apreciated , Thanks