Planner timeline and completition


in the example below, i need to display to the user where there's some time sill avaiable in the resource in the day (when there's the timeline mode) or in the week (when there's the dayPeriods mode).

I've tried to display an item in the background, but:

  • the completition stays in the top of the element
  • if i add another item in the same position, the background element half its size in height
  • i havent found no way to display an item like transparent (so i can display one item for each days but still displaying the cell separators)

the most look-alike view is by setting an additional position for each resource position like the example below

But this create a separator between positions the resource and the resource's occupation_of_the_day (and the group pos is already used for another scope like groups_of_reources_of_the_same_type).

Is there a way to indicate a custom progressbar in the background of the cell with:

  • the completition stays in the bottom of the element
  • if i add another item in the same cell/position, the background cover the entire background area of the cell (and doesen't half his height)
  • to display an item transparent (so i can display one item for each days -4 cols width- but still displaying the cell separators of the cells)

Is there some other way to do what i'm looking for?
The occupation in the footer displays once for the entire period and it's un-usefult for that purpouse.


i've found the "AllowOverlap -> True" properties that let me keep the background aligned in the entire area even with other items in the same cells.
the other two points that i was searching for is:

  • the completition stays in the bottom of the element
  • to display an item transparent (so i can display one item for each days -4 cols width- but still displaying the cell separators of the cells)


  1. I cannot see the completion at the bottom here. The completion should normally sit either at the top (horizontal) or at the left side (vertical)
  2. I suspect that with "transparent" you mean that other items will be painted on top of the "transparent" item. If so, it is for overlappable background items that other items will be painted on top of such background items. A background item though is painted over the entire width of the timeslot.