Planner, show "multiple days portions" in multimonth view


we're implementing a Planner with a "graduate zoom" where using "Ctrl + MouseWheel" can zoom_in / zoom_out.
The timeline is displayed horizontally and in the vertical axe there are the resources: Mario / Luca / Luigi.

So, the UI we want to reach is:

  • View the planners with "day slots" (default view). This is exactly the "Month" mode.
  • Zooming-in, we want to display, slots that are 12 hours, with multiple days on the horizontal axe (so "Day1, 0", "Day 1, 12", "Day 2, 0", "Day 2, 12", etc).
  • Zooming-in again, we want to display, slots that are 6 hours, (0 - 6 -12 - 18) with multiple days on the horizontal axe.
  • Zooming-in again, we want to display, slots that are 2 hours, (0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - ....) with multiple days on the horizontal axe.
    .. and so on.

The problem is:

  • if I want to display just ONE day, i can split the day with specific slots duration
  • If I want to display more than one day, i CANNOT find the way to separate the single day in multiple slots.

Even if i select the "day" mode, changing the "PeriodStartDay/Month/Year" or "PeriodEndDay/Month/Year", it doesen't show mutiple days.

Is there a way to reach the expected results?

as ever, after hours tying to reach the solution and after i write a support request, the answer looks like to shows to me like magic.

The answer to my question is:

  • to use the "timeline" mode
  • to appropriate manage the "display" sub-properties to show the slots as needed.

Thanks anyway.

Thanks for informing a solution was found!

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