
We use XE6 

vcwdXE6.bpl is marked as designtime and runtime.
It requires DesignIDE which makes it "Designtime only"

Our application uses runtime packages, we have to create your packages to get it to work with our software.

Can you please split the packages into two, one runtime package and one designtime package.

The following article may help you.

We will consider including separated runtime & designtime packages in a future distribution.

As a comment on this: it complicates the install procedure, complicates things as it creates package dependencies and all the issues that come with it and we see from our information that only a very limited number of customers use runtime package distribution, so, we have given so far priority to making things less complex and having things a bit easier to control. 

Annoyed, as I requested the change 3 years ago, we have been making the changes by hand since.

I understand your situation. Please also understand our position. We would have to increase installer complexity / introduce dependencies for perhaps 1 or 2 % of users using runtime packages.
By saying this, I did not exclude that we will do it, I just try to clarify the situation from our viewpoint. 

Paying customer gets same response 3 years after making a request.   Customer openly blogs how to do it correctly 3 years ago.   Company chooses not to do it.  Customer renews request, response  you are only 1% of our customer base.      I now realize how valued we are as customers.   

So, if I ask from Microsoft for 3 years that they make a version of Outlook where I can press Ctrl-F to search in email text, they should do it?
A few hours ago I got a request from a customer to create a spell-checker. Does this mean that after 3 years, we'd better have this spell-checker ready?

If you want to have an idea of how much we value our customers, have a look at our continuous stream of component improvements, new component features, new components. If you want to have an idea of how much we value our customers, have a look at our pricing and compare it to other software companies. If you want to have an idea of how much we value our customers, have a look at how long you get free updates & free support and compare it to other software companies. If you want to have an idea of how much we care about customers, reflect for a second that even though it is in local time 23h25, I'm still taking care of your concerns instead of spending time with my family.

Regardless, I know for so many years the customer is always right in every possible way and a company can never be right. Even though I don't see how you have as much data as I have on the amount of users using runtime packages, you made your point. So, send an email to support and specify for what products you need what packages. We'll drop all the work here and will work on your packages.