Hi, in the past I used to outlookemail demo to connect to Office365 email to get folders and/or messages. I didn't need it then but I do need it now. So i fired up the program but it is not getting folders and therefore no emails. It connects fine, just it is not getting data. I did create a new Azure application for the clientsecret but that doesn't help. The old is also still valid. Any idea as to what could be going on? Oh yeah, I downloaded the newest version of the cloud pack and the new demo's, but still it does not work.
I turned on the logging and I see this:
20241011T091747:HTTPS GET: https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/MailFolders
20241011T091748:HTTPS GET RESULT:{"error":{"code":"Gone","message":"The API version 'V2' has been deprecated."}}
20241011T091826:HTTPS GET: https://login.live.com/oauth20_logout.srf
20241011T091826:HTTPS GET RESULT:
So that is probably the cause, but what is the solution?
Unfortunately, the Outlook API v2 is no longer supported by Microsoft. They introduced the new Microsoft Graph API some time ago.
There are currently no plans to support this new API in TMS VCL Cloud Pack.
We recommend using TMS FNC Cloud Pack instead, which already supports the new Microsoft Graph Outlook API.
This product is included in your ALL-ACCESS license.
More information can be found here:
Okay, thanks!