Only one editable column?


I need to enable only one column for editing but instead all columns can be edited.
I created columns dynamically : 

LiveGrid.Options.Editing.Enabled    := True;
  for i := Low(MyArray) to High(MyArray) do
      With LinkGridToDataSource.Columns.Add Do // the LinkGridToDataSource connects grid, is a tLinkGridDataSource
         Header     := MyArray.Caption;
         MemberName := MyArray.FieldName;
         ReadOnly   := False; // I set all column as readonly as experiment but all were editable

Thank you for your help!

To have a column NOT editable, you should set ReadOnly = TRUE

Sorry, I mistyped it.
Now I double checked it:

It doesn't matter if I set ReadOnly   := True; or ReadOnly   := False; I can still edit the column.

However please notice that in my dynamic approach I add LinkGridToDataSource.Columns and not LiveGrid columns (because I don't know how to do that dynamically)

LiveGrid.Options.Editing.Enabled    := True;
  for i := Low(MyArray) to High(MyArray) do
      With LinkGridToDataSource.Columns.Add Do // the LinkGridToDataSource connects grid, is a tLinkGridDataSource
         Header     := MyArray.Caption;
         MemberName := MyArray.FieldName;
         ReadOnly   := True; // I set all column as readonly as experiment but all were editable

Thank you.

ReadOnly coming from LiveBindings is unfortunately not picked up. There is to little information that can be retrieved using LiveBindings. Please set the ReadOnly flag on grid columns level instead.