OnItemSelected is not fired in TMSFNCComboBox when selected by typing

Drop a TTMSFNCcombobox in a form, a tmemo and a Tbutton
Add items to TTMSFNCcombobox and set a function to TMSFNCComboBox.OnItemSelected to show the TTMSFNCcombobox.itemindex in the Tmemo when called
Add a function to Tbutton.onclick to show the TTMSFNCcombobox.itemindex in the Tmemo when called.
Run the app (tested in VCL app type)
If you select an item with the mouse in TTMSFNCcombobox, the OnItemSelected is fired. Thats OK.
Enter the beginning chars from an itemname of items in TMSFNCComboBox, and when the full name of the item is shown just click in an other component in the form.
TMSFNCComboBox.OnItemSelected is NOT fired.
if you click the button that shows the TTMSFNCcombobox.itemindex, you noticed that the Itemindex has the new value of the selection by typing

The same happens if option is set by the code, eg TMSFNCComboBox.itemindex:=x;


We applied a fix for this where the OnItemSelected event triggers as soon as the item name fills in - as it's already considered a selected item at that point.

This is also fixed now.

The next version will contain the changes above.

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