No C++ Builder Compile upon install?

Hi folks, newbie to TMS VCL Subscription. I noticed upon installation that there was no compilation checkbox for C++ Builder upon install. What's up?


What specific C++Builder version do you have installed that is not displaying in the installer?
I assume you refer to the TMS Cloud Pack installer here?

XE3, and yes. I mean I installed the packages manually, but I hate feeling like a second class citizen :-).

We found the shortcoming in the installer and fixed this.
Next update will also show the C++Builder XE3 option.

Thanks! Is this already published and the Subs Manager should pick it up? Or by "next update" you mean the next time you publish an update?  I ask because my manual install was a little broken.

It will be fixed in the next release.

Will you folks please start testing this on C++ Builder?  Here is the latest version installation. I'd appreciate not having to wait another 30-60 days before having an updated installation that works for C++ Builder.

We have traced & solved this. An updated distribution can be downloaded now.