Installer not working with C++ Builder XE


I've been trying to install TMS Components onto my Windows 7 PC to use with C++ Builder XE. The installer sees that I've got Builder XE on my system, builds the packages and says that everything is ok. The packages also appear in Builder XE's package list, however it seems that the installer builds the Delphi versions of the packages so I end up with TMSD2011.bpl installed instead of TMSC2011.bpl. From the install log, it looks like the installer runs the compile2011.bat file which just builds the Delphi packages.
I've tried to build and install the tmsc2011group.groupproj which seemed to work once I'd deleted the uxtheme and dwmapi headers but I'm still unable to build even a simple project containing a form with a single TMS component on
it. I just get "E2209: Unable to open include file xxx.hpp" as if the include paths are wrong but I've checked them and Builder opens the file if I right click and choose "open file at cursor".
Any help would be appreciated as we're stuck until this can be resolved. Thanks,


Resolved via newsgroups.