Mouseup Access Violation

Version of the TADVSmoothButton

When using the SmoothButtons component I get a number of access violation errors. The following 
is from MadExcept (some info has been removed)

date/time         : 2013-11-19, 08:08:08, 191ms
registered owner  : Windows User / Windows User
operating system  : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language   : English
system up time    : 4 days 18 hours
program up time   : 17 seconds
processors        : 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
physical memory   : 1457/4053 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 401.12 GB (T:) 120.63 GB
display mode      : 1280x1024, 16 bit
process id        : $15b8
allocated memory  : 50.49 MB
executable        : ProsEditUni.exe
exec. date/time   : 2013-11-19 07:51
compiled with     : Delphi 7
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc     : $fff40000, $ea61577d, $a7e11b83
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address FFF40000. Read of address FFF40000.

main thread ($8ec):
fff40000 +000 ???
0086ab6b +0cf ProsEditUni.exe AdvSmoothButton  608 +30 TAdvSmoothButton.MouseUp
004d99c4 +02c ProsEditUni.exe Controls        4874  +2 TControl.DoMouseUp
004d9a39 +069 ProsEditUni.exe Controls        4886  +8 TControl.WMLButtonUp
004d9264 +188 ProsEditUni.exe Controls        4657 +53 TControl.WndProc
004dc4ab +157 ProsEditUni.exe Controls        6385 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
004dc128 +02c ProsEditUni.exe Controls        6280  +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
00489bf4 +014 ProsEditUni.exe Classes                  StdWndProc
76337bc5 +00a user32.dll                               DispatchMessageA
004f9a0b +083 ProsEditUni.exe Forms           7108 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
004f9a42 +00a ProsEditUni.exe Forms           7127  +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
004f9c72 +096 ProsEditUni.exe Forms           7211 +16 TApplication.Run
00a48823 +0bb ProsEditUni.exe ProsEditUni       60 +18 initialization
75e23368 +010 kernel32.dll                             BaseThreadInitThunk

The weird thing is I do not have any MouseUp events programmed.

We are unaware of any issues here, are you experiencing difficulties with other controls as well?
Are you able to reproduce this consistently? Are you able to reproduce this without MadExcept?

Kind Regards, 

I have not tried without the MadExcept. But it is quite consistent and happens on a number different SmoothButtons. Will try without the madexcept