Loss of cursor control

In an application I have a form that lists customer details. A grid listing the customer names and a tab sheet with various tabs displaying data for the selected customer. Have added a tab to display map for customer address using the new WebGMap component. The map is displayed on the  tab's 'OnShow' event and works very well. My problem is that after looking at the map for a few customers I seem to lose control of the cursor.......ie, when I click on another customer in the grid....nothing happens....won't move to record for newly selected customer. Have to exit the customer form and re-display for things to work again. 

Is there a method I should be calling when exiting the map display to fully regain control of the cursor?
Thanks in advance
Bill Zwirs

I'm not sure I understand your problem. What cursor do you refer to? Mouse cursor for WebGMaps ? For the form? For the grid?  Do you have some sample source project & exact steps to reproduce this here?