linux installation failure

I am not able to install fnc ui pack on ubuntu linux 16.10 64 bit.
fnc core pack is installed correctly.
when I try to compile LCLTMSFNCUIPackPkg.lpk I got the following error:
Messages, Warnings: 1
other unit files search path (aka unit path) of "LCLTMSFNCCorePkg 1.7"
contains "/media/lazarus_components/tmssoftware/TMS FNC Core", which
belongs to package "LCLTMSFNCCorePkgDE"
Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfg
Hint: (11031) End of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.0 [2015/12/05] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2015 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Linux for x86-64
(3104) Compiling LCLTMSFNCUIPackPkg.pas
FNC UI Pack/LCLTMSFNCUIPackPkg.pas(44,52) Fatal: (10022) Can't find
unit LCLTMSFNCGridExcelIO used by LCLTMSFNCUIPackPkg
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode

Lazarus 1.6.2 fpc 3.0.0
The LCLTMSFNCGridExcelIO is in the folder.

I already installed on win 64 with no problem.

Any hint?


We have tested this here but haven't been able to reproduce this issue on Ubuntu so it's actually unclear why it fails installing. I suggest to remove all packages, remove all generate lib folders and re-try. When installing the TMS FNC UI Pack make sure the TMS FNC Core is only built, but not installed. The TMS FNC UI Pack will install the package automatically
In fnc ui package paths there is XlsAdapter while the directory is xlsAdapter
Changing the case solved the problem.

Additionally take into account that in Core package in paths there is XlsAdapter (that is not used by Core package).


Thank you for your feedback.
We have investigated this here and applied a fix for this issue, the next version will address this.


under Linux Mint 17.3 (gtk2 & qt widgets) I had problems to install the LCLTMSFNCCorePgk because in LCLTMSFNCCustomControl.pas the function GetKeyState() could not be found. Adding the unit lclintf, when using the Lazarus LCL, made it compile.

Best regards


We have investigated this here and added this unit to the uses list. The next version will address this.