Issues with AdvGrid FilterEdit

I have been trying to use the FilterEdit feature in row 0 of a grid, toggling it between enabled and disabled with a function key.

  1. When I disable the FilterEdit, I find that the fixed row of column headings is not restored. I have to re-assign values to the cells in row 0 from the ColumnHeaders stringlist.

  2. I had to debug AdvGrid.pas to find out why I was unable to achieve a drop-down of the comparison types list: it turns out that on a 4k screen at 200dpi, you have to click in a tiny top-left corner of the icon to get the dropdown, because the code assumes a fixed, unscaled size for the icon. I think I can fix this in the source, but it needs attention.

Thanks for reporting.
We can confirm both issues are fixed and fixes will be included in the next update.

Thanks; I should also add that the supplied images for the 'compare type' items would look better if their size could be made dependent on the screen resolution.

At this moment this is default a fixed size imagelist.
You can however replace this imagelist images by accessing the list directly via