Installing v- fail on XE-5


I've build the component and seems ok it produce the 5 file to be included in the ide:






But other 5 update packages are failing, these packages are:

msbuild IW14TMSDxe5UPD.dproj

msbuild IW14TMSDEDxe5UPD.dproj

msbuild IW14TMSGRIDDxe5UPD.dproj

msbuild IW14TMSGRIDDEDxe5UPD.dproj

msbuild IW14TMSXLSDxe5UPD.dproj

All of them failing with error msg:   error E2202: Required package 'IntraWeb_14_DXE5' no

t found.

I am using Intraweb 14.00. Could you kindly tell me whether I could install these 5 updates or will this impact on running the software? Sorry I am newbie on programming in Delphi environment. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards



Please note that the *UPD.dproj files are not intended to be used for IW 14.0.0. They are only required if you are using a non-default version of IW 14.

Please have a look at the install.txt file (included with the product download) for detailed install instructions.

It doesn't say that in the install.txt inside the unpacked zip file.   I am looking at point no:4 right before point no: 5 in the install.txt and it list as member of things I need to build.  However Thank you for the clarification.

Best Regards