Installing TMS IntraWeb Query Builder

I am trying to install the IntraWeb Query Builder produce into Delphi 2010 with IW10.  When trying compile iw10qb2010.dproj I get the following error:

IWQueryBuilderReg.pas(30): F1026 File not found: DsgnIntf.dcu"
How can I fix that.  Also the first package amsql2010.dpk compiles, but will not install because of this error:
Cannot load package 'amsql2010.'  It contains unit 'atBaseParser,' which is also contauned in package 'aquery2010'.
How can I fix that? 


Please make sure you have copied TMSDEFS10.INC to TMSDEFS.INC and replaced it with the TMSDEFS.INC file in the folder where you placed iw10qb2010.dproj and amsql2010.dpk

When the files are unpacked and are in 3 places: the target folder, common and source folders.  I renamed the first instance and copied it to the other locations, but still got the same errors.

I had to remove the Query Studio package from my development environment, completely.  After that everything worked as it was supposed to.  I am currently not using that product, but installed it as part of my subscription.

Can you try to add a reference to designide to the requires list of the package  iw10qb2010.dproj?