Installation Error

I installed TMS Component Pack v7.4.0.0 for delphi xe3 Pro. I get an error:
Any thoughts?
the procedure entry point @Advgrid@TCellGraphic@$bctr$qqrv could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\users\administrator\documents\tmssoftware\tms Advanced Spreadgrid\DelphiXE3\TMSASPGRIDDXE3.bpl

Is explained in the FAQ

Error : procedure entry point could not be found

When errors are raised upon running the applications such as "procedure @... of the procedure entry point @... could not be located", make sure to scan your hard disk for ALL old versions of TMS .BPL and TMS .DCP files and delete ALL old versions. This error can appear when a newer package is built- with another package of which an old version is found first in the system path.