Import error with CSV files

Hi Adrian,

when I import the csv file included in some of numbers are not important correctly. In the included Excel file these numbers are marked with yellow color.
For example '-0,865944' is translated to '-865944'. The decimal separator is ignored.

My code to import to csv file is as follows:

 SetLength(columnImportTypes, 1000);
 for col := 0 to 999 do
 columnImportTypes[0] := TColumnImportType.Text;
 xls.Open(files, TFileFormats.Text, ';', 1, 1, columnImportTypes, nil, TEncoding.ANSI, True);

Is there something I have overlooked?


BTW, it was a pleasure to talk to in Dusseldorf at the TMS workshop.


This seems like a problem with Format settings: Your app is configured to use "." as decimal separator, but the csv uses "," as decimal separator. So in the number -0,865944, the "," is interpreted as thousands separator, which can actually be ignored.

To fix it you can either set your full app to use a locale that uses "," as decimal separator, or just set FlexCel to work that way.

To set the whole app to use a say French locale, you would write this line somewhere in the startup of your app:

    FormatSettings := TFormatSettings.Create('fr-FR');

To only set FlexCel to use a French locale (but globally for all FlexCel options), you would also set in your app startup:

TFlexCelFormatSettings.SetGlobalFormat('fr-FR', TFormatSettings.Create('fr-FR'));

But normally, what you would want to do is to change the settings only for the current thread while you are loading this file. So if a different different thread is reading a different CSV file with a different locale, changing this locale won't affect the other thread.
For that you could use this code:


  columnImportTypes: TArray<TColumnImportType>;
  col: integer;
  xls: TXlsFile;
  OldFmt: TFlexCelFormatSettings;
  xls:= TXlsFile.Create(true);
    OldFmt := TFlexCelFormatSettings.PushThreadFormat('fr-FR', TFormatSettings.Create('fr-FR'));
      SetLength(columnImportTypes, 1000);
      for col := 0 to 999 do
        columnImportTypes[0] := TColumnImportType.Text;
      xls.Open('C:\Users\adrian\Documents\BD_Corela_header\BD_Corela_header.csv', TFileFormats.Text, ';', 1, 1, columnImportTypes, nil, TEncoding.ANSI, True);


As always, if you haven't read it, I recommend that you read this tip:

The code example shows how to set the locale too, as in the code I attached here. There is also this tip about locales:

But basically they tell you what I've said here.

Ps1: There seems to be an error in the code you sent:

for col := 0 to 999 do
	 columnImportTypes[0] := TColumnImportType.Text;

This is setting a thousand times the column 0 to be text. But the others are not (and that's why you actually got those numbers imported wrong, and not as text).

Ps2: It was also a pleasure to see you all in the TMS day :) We should be doing this more frequently!

Hi Adrian,

thanks for this course in dealing with local settings. However, the problem is just a stupid mistake in my code. Thanks for pointing this out to me. Now the results is as expected.