String with a prefix "000".The string is truncated


I have a csv file (separator ";"). I insert the value "0001234".

I can not read the string "0001234", the string is truncated, and the result is "1234".

How to read "0001234"?

Here is a sample Delphi source code:

Uses FlexCel.XlsAdapter, VCL.FlexCel.Core;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ExcelFile : TExcelFile;
  CellValue : TCellValue;
  ExcelFile := TXlsFile.Create(true);

  ExcelFile.Open(Edit1.Text, TFileFormats.Text, ';', 1, 1, nil);

  CellValue := ExcelFile.GetCellValue(1, 1);

  Showmessage( varToStr( ExcelFile.GetCellValue(1, 1) ) );
  Showmessage( ExcelFile.GetStringFromCell(1, 1) );

  Showmessage( CellValue.ToString );


By default, FlexCel tries to convert the strings to numbers (or dates) when importing the file. This is normally what you want: If you have a field with the string "1" you probably want to import this as the number 1, not the string "1".

Now, if you want to import some columns as strings and not convert them, you can do it by setting the columnImportFormat. From the help in xls.Open(...):

In your case, if you want to import say column 1 as text even if it is a number, you can do:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ExcelFile : TExcelFile;
  CellValue : TCellValue;
  ColTypes: TColumnImportTypeArray;
  ExcelFile := TXlsFile.Create(true);
  SetLength(ColTypes, 1);
  ColTypes[0] := TColumnImportType.Text;
  ExcelFile.Open(Edit1.Text, TFileFormats.Text, ';', 1, 1, ColTypes);

If you want to import all columns, just make a big enoug ColumnImportType array and fill it with TColumnImportType.Text.

Ps: A little unrelated, but while this works:
Showmessage( varToStr( ExcelFile.GetCellValue(1, 1) ) );
It is better to do this:
 Showmessage( CellValue.ToString );

A TCellValue will convert to a variant automatically, but internally we don't use variants at all, so you are doing extra conversions in the first call (converting the TCellValue to a variant then the variant to a string). In the second call, we just convert the TCellValue to a string directly.

Thank you for your explanation.