image not shown in TTMSFNCListBox's item

Drop a TTMSFNCListBox and a TTMSFNCBitmapContainer in a VCL form and put an SVG image in the bitmapcontainer.
Then, change the Text item of the first item of TTMSFNCListBox to the following:
Merce<B>des</B> <IMG src="Item1" height="20">
The image is not shown
Then change the Text item of the first item of TTMSFNCListBox to the following:
Merce<B>des</B> <IMG src="Item1" height="20">.
The last dot makes the image to be shown

In case you do not believe it: Last version of components.
The first item has this text:

Merce<B>des</B> <IMG src="Item1" height="20">.

The second item has the same text without the last dot
Merce<B>des</B> <IMG src="Item1" height="20">


We have been able to reproduce this, but haven't allocated time yet to investigate a fix. We'll further investigate this here as soon as possible.

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It is OK, thank you. Nothing in a hurry to press you.
I was unsure, if you notice it or/and you need something more.

We have investigated and applied a fix, next version of TMS FNC Core will have this fix included. Thanks fore reporting!

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