Using XE2, IW12.2.4, TMS 5.1.1.
In my first 'real' app using IW / TMS, I'm editing tables on an MSSQL server. The main form calls two detail forms to work with different tables.
On both forms I place a TTIWDBDatePicker attached to a date time field.
One form opens without trouble and the date time picker works fine, the other fails to open with the Webpage message: "Class Not Found" .
If I remove the DateTime picker the form opens without problem.
Why should it work on one form but not another?
With this limited description, it is unclear what might be causing this.
Do you have some sample source project with which we can reproduce this problem here?
Easier said than done!
Rather than trying to package the project up, with table defs etc I tried recreating the issue on the TMS demos.mdb database. I could not get the error to occur.
This, obviously, points the issue squarely at my use of the components.
Using debug mode I can determine that the exception is raised before the form's OnCreate event so It's not caused by my code per se.
I'll keep looking.