I was having trouble installing and updating TMS packages with the subscription manager,
So, I uninstalled everything and am using Smart Setup.
I notice that I had to install Webcore from the subscription manager - so done that
I am worried that the installs will be on drive C. I don't want them there. Is there a way to control this? Subscription Manager used to allow changing the path.
Installing Biz Core Library failed with [ERROR] Error running TTmsBuildRunner: Running failed: build tms.biz.bcl -full -display-options:product-progress (ETmsRunner)
Aurelius shows as 50% and Biz Core as 0%. Neither enable the install or uninstall button
I hadnt realised that there was a tab called Output.
There were two reasons-
It appears that installing on Delphi 11 fails. My Delphi 11 is possibly munted as I had the beta version before. Apparently, I have to clean up the registry and storage and reinstall D11. So, I have changed the config to not compile for D11.
Another reason was that I have to compile a project in linux, before it can compile for linux.
Related question - What packages are not installable by the smart setup?
What packages do I have to install from subscription manager?
About point 2 (installing the components in another drive), the solution is simple: tmsgui installs where it is. So if you want to install in e:, just create a folder, for example:
and copy tms.exe and tmsgui.exe there. Those are the only 2 files you need, as smartsetup is portable. Now, run tmsgui from there and it will install the components at e:\tms.
Or you can do it from the command line without copying anything:
cd tms
c:\wherever-it-is\tms list-remote
c:\wherever-it-is\tms install <packages you see in list-remote. use * to install all>
About the problem with linux and Delphi 11, one nice thing about smartsetup is that, different from old installers, if it installs for a platform it will work for that platform. So if it installed correctly for win32, but not for linux, there is no need to fix it until you really need linux. For the moment, you can use the win32 install confidently, as it installed correctly. The moment you need linux, you fix linux (download sdks, etc) and run smartsetup again, it will only install linux.
About packages not installable, I don't have an exact list, but almost everything already is. The only thing missing is webcore, which is already in beta, and should be coming very soon to smartsetup now.
Directory - I figured it out. Actually, luckily because I had installed the setup in the folder where I wanted the files, it carried on there.
Webcore is the main one I have spotted. But there are mismatch of names and possibly different names on the two sides, so I was not 100% sure.
After reinstalling Delphi, I as able to install everything just fine. I just a did a partial build and some packages that were installed before, arent installed anymore.
I am uploading the logs.
I understand that the Linux ones will be installed after I deploy a Linux project. Unfortunately, Delphi has a problem there, waiting to hear back from Ian Barker.
But why have the logs.zip (883.0 KB)
Android ones not been compiled this time.
The log indicates that installation on Linux64 platforms failed (as you expected) and Android SDK are not installed in Delphi 12, thus skipped:
--- Skipped IDEs ---
Skipped Delphi 12, android32 because the SDKs are not available.
Skipped Delphi 12, android64 because the SDKs are not available.
Skipped Delphi 12, macos64arm because the SDKs are not available.
Skipped Delphi 12, macos64intel because the SDKs are not available.
Smart Setup verifies if there is an entry in Windows Registry for the Android64 platform, in key HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Embarcadero/BDS/23.0/PlatformSDKs, value Default_Android64. That value indicates the SDK installed, which is also a subkey in PlatformSDKs key. Do you have that, and if yes, can you send a screenshot of the values in the PlatformSDKs\<android64_sdk_name> key?
YES, all packages are compiled now. I was getting misleading and changing symptoms/errors every time I compiled. It was all because I had not reinstalled TMS Web Core after upgrading Delphi and before using Smart Setup.
Are there supposed to be demos under TMS XData/Demos? I am confused as I have all files here (such as .local, .dsv, .js) except the source files.
You should uninstall all previous installation of TMS products that you want to install using TMS Smart Setup. Once you have uninstalled it, you can delete the respective folders, if there are any.
Keep the installations of products not yet supported by Smart Setup, like Web Core.