Https in iOS


I tested an simple sample HTTPS server with self signed certificate. In Windows all work fine, but in sample iOS occurs always HttpEngine Error (-1202) exception.

How I can use Https connection with Sparkle (or XData) in iOS (or Android) with Self signed certificate? 

Thank you very much and best regards

For security reasons, support for self-signed certificates are disabled in both iOS and Android. You must use a valid certificate for now, to use client on those devices.

Hi Wagner

thank you very much for your response.

>> You must use a valid certificate for now, to use client on those devices.

so it is expected in a future release of Sparkle (and XData) the ability to use a self-signed-certificate. Right?

In this moment, for debug and testing I cannot buy a valid certificate. So I must test and debug in http mode only. Right?

Best Regards

We might add such support in future, yes, although there are other features with higher priority in the list.

For iOS/Android, yes, you should use Http. Note that are very cheap certificates out there, and many Certificate Authorities provide valid free trial certificates that last for almost 90 days you can use for testing.

Thank you very much Wagner for you support!

>>Certificate Authorities provide valid free trial certificates that last for almost 90 days you can use for testing

Great idea!

Best Regards