How to "slide in" a TableView?


I am busy with an iPhone application and I'd like to slide in a TableView over the Mainform of the application
on a button click and slide it out again later.
At the moment I am designing the TableView on a second form and simply show that form on demand and
hide it again on demand.
Now I tried to slide in that form using the following code:
frmSelectFiles.Left := Self.Width + 10; // to bring it out of the view
frmSelectFiles.Show; // Show the form outside the view
frmSelectFiles.AnimateFloatWait('Left', 0, 0.5); // slide in the form
But that does somehow not work.
How can I achieve the desired effect and design the different TableViews in different containers/forms?
best regards and many thanks,


It is unclear what exactly is the issue and how this relates to our components?
Can you send us the project so we can investigate this here?

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Hello Pieter,

I definitely don't say that there is a issue related to your components!
I was just asking what is the correct/best way to achive this "slide in/out" effect
on an iOS device but still arranging components nicely seperated on different forms.
Maybe somebody has a helpfull tip for this situation and wants to share this information?
best regards,

Perhaps you could use a single form and store the components in 2 separate Panels.
Then place one panel "out of sight" with a Tfloatanimation attached, slide the panel in by animating the Position.X property. 

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Hello Pieter,

that is exactly what I did first, but when you start to create multiple complex
views, all contained in one form, then in no time you get a very "messy" mainform.
So I started to create one form for every new view.
best regards,

I have not tested this here yet, but can you actually display 2 forms simultaneously in an iOS project?
Also, dropping a TFloatAnimation on the form doesn't allow selection of the Position.X property on a form.
In my opinion, animations directly on the form are not allow, or will simply not work.

Yet, we are currently working on a TMS Pack for FireMonkey that will be released soon and contains a new component TTMSFMXPageSlider which animates multiple pages that slide in from the right. Perhaps this might be a solution for your issue, you can download a trial version to verify if this is the component you need when the pack is released.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Hello Pieter,

> have not tested this here yet, but can you actually display 2 forms simultaneously in an iOS project?
Yes you can, I have this as an unwanted side-effect. When I show the second form with the TableView to
select a file, this form does for example not cover the complete mainforn and I can see parts of the mainform
below the TableView. Only after rotating the device, the form (and the TableView) is sized correctly.
By the way I am only talking about the XCode iPhone simulator, I have no clue how it looks on a physical device.
>Yet, we are currently working on a TMS Pack for FireMonkey that will be released soon and contains a new component >TTMSFMXPageSlider which animates multiple pages that slide in from the right
That sounds indeed very intersting when it works on iOS!
best regards,


The Pack for FireMonkey has just been released.
