Mixing FM and iCL in an app


I like the functionality of the MultiViewDemo that ships with XE8 with the sliding drawer/folder from the left.
I've done some initial testing trying to put the iCL NativeUITableView component on the FM MultiView component and putting the TMS MKMapView component on a TTab item within a TTabControl.

So far it partially works.  The MapView shows after the app launches, but If I change tabs then come back to my "map tab", the map disappears.  Additionally, when I slide out the drawer (MultiView component), the TMS TableView is not shown at all.
I'm pretty sure it has to do with mixing FM components with iCL (rendered vs. native), but I was hoping there was a workaround to this problem...
If not, is it possible to create a native type iCL MultiView like demo similar to the XE8 MultiView demo?



Correct, iCL are native controls and FM components are rendered on the form view. You can only combine FM as children of iCL with the FMX Wrapper component, but not the other way around. If you switch tabs you need to manually toggle the visibility of the mapview. The issue with the tableview component on the multiview is simply because it doesn't respond to changes in movement, visibility and interaction. The parent of an iCL control also needs to be an iCL control or the form.

Kind Regards, 


you can rebuild the TMultiView with icl View. I think it take less than one hour work and it is smother....

We have added this on our todolist for investigation.

Kind Regards, 

Great news on the possible ToDo list!

Thanks for looking into this.
I'll try to work a MultiView like behavior for now.
