How do I monitor download progress with CloudStorageServices?
The documentation (above) does not show how to use the Dropbox specific component for resumable uploads so I'm moving to the CloudStorageServices component. The Dropbox component does not expose the CloudFiles property. (The Dropbox component does monitor download progress though.)
This code compiles:
FCloudFile := TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1.CloudFiles.Add;
This code does not compile:
FCloudFile := TMSFNCCloudDropbox1.CloudFiles.Add;
You can access the specific storage service you are using from the TTMSFNCCloudStorageServices component with the Storage property. This way you can also monitor request progress.
Example TTMSFNCCloudDropBox(TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1.Storage).OnRequestProgress := TMSFNCCloudDropBox1RequestProgress;
However this is a good suggestion and we'll investigate to expose the OnRequestProgress event on TTMSFNCCloudStorageServices level.