Monitor Upload/Download Progress

I want to monitor the upload and download progress using a ProgressBar as used in the TMS VCL Cloud Pack CloudAdvStorageDemo, but there are no progress events available in the TMSFNCCloudStorageServices components. Are you proposing to add these in the near future to provide the same monitoring capabilities in the FNC Cloud Pack as exist in the VCL Cloud Pack?

Should I add this to the Wishlist?


Thank you for your suggestion.
We'll investigate if progress events can be added in a future version.

Feel free to submit this suggestion to the feature requests list:

Done, thanks.

Hi William,
i had the same problem and Bart gave me the answer.
If you don't resolve the question, in TMSFNCCloudStorageServices you have Storage property that have the OnRequestProgress event.
OnRequestProgress is declared as

TTMSFNCCloudBaseProgressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult; AProgress: Single; AUpload: Boolean) of object;

So what you need to do, in your form, is declare a procedure like

procedure UpLoadProgress(Sender: TObject; const ARequestResult: TTMSFNCCloudBaseRequestResult; AProgress: Single; AUpload: Boolean);

and assign it to


where you can update the progress bar via AProgress that return the file transfert in %

Just in case you did not find this solution jet ......



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Thanks Daniele, I'll give that a go.
