How can i show dbimage in TIwDBAdvWebGrid?

I use Delphi XE2 update4 with TMS for Intraweb 5.1.

I want to display a db tabel with a image field.
but when i add a Column in TIwDBAdvWebGrid.Columns and Set the column :"DataField=BMP" and run it,
the image field Column Display Garbledly. But other field dispaly rightly!
And how can i do this correctly.(show DB image field in the grids correctly)

Did you have a look at the features demo where the Biolife DB table is displayed with its images?

Also, you mention "garbled", what *exactly* do you mean with "garbled". What exactly is wrong?

i'm poor in English.
what I said 'garbled',means the image field display in TIWDbAdvWebGrid column are the bytes in the image which formatted as Ascii.  That is like: use notepad.exe open a jpg file.
You said "there is a features demo where the biolife db tabel is display with its images"
But when I found the demo, i found: it does not display its image field at all. it just displays a 'notes' field which is a memo field. 

i use TMS for intraweb 12.0.
i have send the Screenshots to your mailbox.
I wish you replies.
Thanks a lot.
Dear Sir.

If you have the feather demo that displayed  its image field, Can you send the to me?

Thanks a lot.

Please refrain from duplicating all support communication in both direct email & support forum. Your question has been handled via direct email.

Dear sir.

i got it.
As you say , i set DataSet's Field's BlobType as ftGraphic. The Grids's image field display correctly.
I have another question. how to make the image displayed as it original size but not "DefaultRowHeight" of Grid. 

Is grid.Columns[x].ImageWidth /  grid.Columns[x].ImageHeight set to 0?
Bruno Fierens2012-08-01 03:30:56

i solved it.
