How can I apply VCL Styles?


is it possible to apply Delphi XE2 VCL Styles to, for example, a THTMLLabel or TAdvPageControl? Is it possible to create Stylehooks for those components and alike? Or are VCL Styles otherwise supported?

I am using TMS Component Pack at the moment but could upgrade to the current version.

At the moment I am facing difficulties to getting my TMS components visually in sync with the rest of my application. The THTMLLabel for example doesn't change its Font Color properly according to the active VCL Style. A TAdvPageControl is not affected at all by VCL Styles.
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in the TMS source I find conditional defines for USEVCLSTYLES, only havent found info how to officially implement this. Is there any document explaining this or a HOWTO?

It is by default enabled and should appear when VCL styles are enabled at application level.
It can be turned off with control.StyleElements := [];