I have a situation where I'm using inherited forms with controls I want to assign to "admin" users.
That is, there is a "btnDelete" in the ancestor form, and I want to set up a permission called "DeleteAllowed".
In user management, I have two users, userAdm and userReg.
In groups I have admin and regular.
I membership, I assign userAdm to admin, and userReg to regular.
Form Policy:
I go into FormA, create a policy called DeleteAllowed and assign it to the form's btnDelete.
go into FormB, create a policy called DeleteAllowed and assign it to
the form's btnDelete. I also assign a label in FormB to DeleteAllowed.
I have no problem doing this manually form by form.
I go back to User Management and view the Groups tab.
In the Permissions list, I see "DeleteAllowed" listed twice.
doesn't matter which of the "DeleteAllowed" permissions I assign to
Admin group - when I show FormA logged in as userAdm I see the
btnDelete, and when I show FormB logged in as userAdm I see both the
btnDelete and that label.
Logging in as userReg hides everything in FormA and FormB as expected.
issue I have is that the application has about a dozen forms, and
multiple access control "categories" (eg "controls that are for delete
ops" or "DBNavigator Bars").
Given that it doesn't matter which
"DeleteAllowed" policy I select for the Group - I'd really like to hide
all the duplicate entries in the Security Settings Permissions list - is
there a simple way to do this?
Afaik, this is the first report we get from someone using this with inherited forms.
Does formB inherit from formA?
I did actually try giving them discrete names - but this "litters" the permissions treeview with a bunch of similarly named permissions - and the end-users are just confused.
I modified uSecDlgForm to sort the group permissions TTreeview - that helps ("pick any "HandleDBNavBar" permission, they all do the same thing").
I'm probably going to modify it to only allow adding a permission if that permission name isn't already in the treeview.
My setup is as follows (using MS-SQL for tables, Delphi Berlin Ent):
datamodule dSecurity
FDConnection and tables
Base Form:
uses dSecurity
formMain inherits from base form.
formA inherits from base form
formB inherits from base form
formMain is the "launcher" - meaning I create and show formA and formB from formMain
I can build a demo project for you to test with - but I'm a bit under the gun time-wise - might have to wait until late next week.