FNCWX component not visible in embedded form

When using the FNCWX component in an embedded form the component is not visible.

This is the case when the component (on the form that has to be embedded) is placed inside another component (like a layout).
If the component (on the form that has to be embedded) is directly on the form, then the component is visible and can be used.

I'm unable to solve the issue and need some help.
A sample project that shows the issue is can be downloaded on wetransfer:

The sample project includes a button that switches the second form to embedded and not embedded, when the form is not embedded the FNCWX components are all visible. When the form is embedded only the FNCWX component that is not within a layout is visible.

Thanks in advance.

We'll have to investigate what exactly is happening, but at first sight, the form that is being created is already initializing the 2 HTML memos, and then afterwards the Parent changes, but unfortunately the initialization process is asynchronous, so changing the parent mid initialization is the cause for the issue. We'll see if we can do something about that. frames, embedded forms are actually not functioning properly when using in combination with WX controls.

Suggestion for a workaround for now: create the FNC WX component in code at run-time AFTER the embedded form was created & displayed?

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