Hi there,
I using the FNCChat in a chat application (oddly enough) and when a new message is received from the server, the message is added via ChatMessages.Add or ChatMessages.insert depending on the timestamp of the message.
The issue here is really that even though I have enabled the VerticalScrollbar, the scrollbar does not even show until I have added like 5-10 messages "below the horizon", meaning that the messages are added, but they are below the bottom edge of the control.
Also, when I then add enough to actually GET the scrollbar, I can often not actually scroll to the bottom of the messages list, sometimes I can "provoke" it by making the view really small (like it's only showing 3-4 messages), then I can actually scroll down to the last message, but when I enlarge the view again, I can most often not scroll alll the way down.
At other times, it adds the message but the last 3-4 messages on the list is suddenly just t blank area, then if I scroll up and back down, then the messages are displayed.
The "ScrolToBottom" or "ScrollToItem" functions also appears to be shot, including AutoScrollToBottom, but is may be connected to this issue.
I think I should have the latest version, I downloaded and installed it yesterday.