FNCChat "hides" messages

Hi there,

I using the FNCChat in a chat application (oddly enough) and when a new message is received from the server, the message is added via ChatMessages.Add or ChatMessages.insert depending on the timestamp of the message.

The issue here is really that even though I have enabled the VerticalScrollbar, the scrollbar does not even show until I have added like 5-10 messages "below the horizon", meaning that the messages are added, but they are below the bottom edge of the control.

Also, when I then add enough to actually GET the scrollbar, I can often not actually scroll to the bottom of the messages list, sometimes I can "provoke" it by making the view really small (like it's only showing 3-4 messages), then I can actually scroll down to the last message, but when I enlarge the view again, I can most often not scroll alll the way down.

At other times, it adds the message but the last 3-4 messages on the list is suddenly just t blank area, then if I scroll up and back down, then the messages are displayed.

The "ScrolToBottom" or "ScrollToItem" functions also appears to be shot, including AutoScrollToBottom, but is may be connected to this issue.

I think I should have the latest version, I downloaded and installed it yesterday.



Can you let us know which framework (VCL, FMX, WEB) are you using and which platform (if applicable) are you targetting?

Additionally can you let us know your Delphi and platform version?

Hi again,

Sure, my apologies for not including it.

I'm running Delphi 10.4 and have the FNC Core and FNC UI Pack installed, I am building with Windows64 as my target.


Just so we can try to reproduce it, is it a VCL or an FMX app? Both can target Win64.

It's a VCL App.

Thank you, we'll investigate.

Any news on this issue ?

Currently still investigating. Stay tuned

Allright, thank you.

We have applied some fixed, next version will address this. Thanks for reporting!


When can I download the next version ?