FMXRichEditor hyperlinks

I'm trying to add a hyperlink to an FMXRichEditor file. I'm using Rad Studio Tokyo, c++, UI Pack I created an OnClickHyperlink function.  I highlight the text I want to use for the link.  I click the hyperlink icon in the toolbar and enter my link destination in the popup window and click OK. The text color changes to blue and is underlined.  When the cursor is over the text, it changes to a pointing finger.  I set a breakpoint at my OnClickHyperlink function.  When I click the link, nothing happens and it never reaches the breakpoint.  What else do I need to do?

Is this on Windows or on another operating system?

I'm currently testing on windows but I need it to work on all platforms.

Normal mouse click is used for selection & caret positioning. 
Ctrl-mouseclick triggers opening the hyperlink.

Thanks Bruno.  ctrl-click works on windows.  I assume other platforms also have a way to trigger the link.

With the TMSFMXRichEditor.URLOpen property you can control if a key combination is needed and if so, what key combination to open the URL.

Thanks Bruno.  I really appreciate the flexibility.

The cancel
and close (x in the upper right) of the dialog box for entering the link
don't do anything.  Is there a configuration option I need to set?  The
OK button works.

I retested this and cancel & close just close this input dialog without changing the URL, so i'm not sure what other/extra you want for this?

cancel and close don't work for me.  I created a new multi-device application c++, blank application, dropped in a TMSFMXRichEditor and TMSFMXRichEditorFormatToolBar.  I highlight text, clicked the link icon in the toolbar, the dialog box opens but only OK will close it.  I'm using Rad Studio Tokyo with update 1, and TMS running on Windows 10.

I see it now. This is a shortcoming in the FireMonkey framework where the InputQuery() function shows this standard FireMonkey input dialog. Apparenrly this is a disadvantage of this cross platform function in the framework. We'll look to replace this with our own dialog in a future update.