FMXGrid column dragging question

I'm recently installed FMX UI Pack and am learning FMX Grid.  I have 5 columns.  I set column0 to "fixed" and enabled ColumnDragging.  I want column0 kept unchanged and always on the left.  I'd like to prevent users from dragging column0 or from dragging other columns to column0.  Is there a way to do this?  Thanks in advance.


the grid has an OnCanDragColumn event that can determine if a column can be dragged or not.

Thanks.  OnCanDragColumn is not in the Developers Guide but I found it in Rad Studio Object Inspector.  I see a OnCanInsertRow event.  Is there something similar for columns I could use to prevent dragging column3 to column0?

The OnCanDragColumn is specifically to allow/disallow dragging of columns. If you'll need the same for rows, you can use the OnCanDragRow

OnCanDragColumn works to prevent users from dragging column0.  Users should be able to drag other columns anywhere except column0. OnCanDragColumn doesn't help with that.  I tried OnCanAppendColumn but that doesn't get called during dragging.  I see an OnColumnDragged event but it's not mentioned in the Developers Guide or in any posts here.  How does it work?

For anyone else who might be interested, this is what I came up with to stop users from dragging columns to column0:
void __fastcall TTopForm::EditGroupGridColumnDragged(TObject *Sender, int FromCol,
          int ToCol)
    if (!ToCol)
        // Dragging to column0, put it back where it came from
    EditGroupGrid->MoveColumn(ToCol, FromCol);


Thank you for your feedback on this matter.