We are pleased to announce the release of FlexCel Studio for VCL & FMX 7.19.
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New in v 7.19 - September 2023
New property FlexCelSVGExport.Encoding allows you to change the encoding when generating SVG files. Now you can change the Encoding of generated SVG files by using the new property FlexCelSVGExport.Encoding
Breaking Change: Now FlexCel will default the encoding when to exporting to CSV or SVG to UTF-8 without BOM. FlexCel used to use UTF-8 with BOM to save CSV or SVG files if you didn't specify an encoding. Now the default encoding is UTF-8 with BOM, which is more common. You can still specify an explicit Encoding as UTF-8 with BOM when saving those files if you want to, but if you are not specifying a default, the generated text files will change.
Now FlexCel will write the xml inside xlsx files as UTF-8 without BOM. FlexCel used to write the xml inside xlsx files as UTF-8 with BOM, which is valid and works fine, but some third party tools could have issues reading those files. Excel writes the xml as UTF-8 without BOM itself, so this is not a breaking change. See https://support.tmssoftware.com/t/save-utf-8-without-bom/21577
Bug Fix. In some rare cases when you entered #N/A as a parameter in a formula, the full formula would become #N/A. See https://support.tmssoftware.com/t/handling-of-n-a-in-formuals-on-loading-excel-file/21425
Bug Fix. Page numbers in headers and footers were invalid when exporting to SVG.
Bug Fix. GetStringFromCell could return invalid values when the cell contained a formula. This was a regression in v7.18 from v7.17. See https://support.tmssoftware.com/t/xls-getstringfromcell-read-cell-in-version-7-17-but-not-in-v7-18/21545
Bug Fix. FlexCel could write some invalid DXF records when saving table styles to xls files.
Bug Fix. InsertAndCopyRange could fail to copy cells in some corner cases