FixInsight 2021.10 CL detects fewer issues than its IDE expert


our CI server runs FixInsightCL to create static code analysis reports.
With the current version 2021.10 we found that FixInsightCL doesn't detect/report as much warnings of a distinct type as FixInsight expert does within the IDE.

For example, for our quite large project, in the IDE, FixInsight reports 46 warnings (with search path excluded) of type W541 whereas FixInsightCL.exe only reports 5 warnings of this type for the same project.

I will try to create a minimal example and attach it.

Kind regards,
Thorsten Schroff

OK, while trying to create a minimal example and further investigating I found this hint in FixInsightCL's output:

Setting --libpath and --unitscopes parameters is highly recommended.
    FixInsightCL --project=c:\source\example.dpr
                 --libpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source"

I then also found this in the manual:

Some FixInsight rules will not be able to work without --libpath and --unitscopes set.

I can confirm that if I pass fitting values for --libpath and --unitscopes to FixInsightCL all expected issues are detected properly.

We've been using FixInsightCL 2019.01upd1 on our CI server for years now. Seems we missed that new mandatory parameters have been introduced.

I'd like to suggest that such critical details could be mentioned/highlighted in the version history.

This topic can be closed. Thank you.

Best regards,
Thorsten Schroff

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