Error when installing in lazarus in a new trunk.

An error occurs when trying to install.

Which version of Lazarus / FPC is this?

The latest trunk. Downloaded yesterday.

We only support up until the latest version Lazarus 2.2.6 with FPC 3.2.2 which is the official version from

I understand it. But the fact is that TMS produces several products. And besides your fnc , I also buy a flexcel. And he, on the contrary, requires ONLY a trunk. In the near future, I think you will still need to solve these problems, because the code from trunk will go into release.

Here is the forum thread that I talk to the flexcel developers and they only recommend the latest trunk

@1113 I use fpc 3.2-fixes and the components install without any errors, but in your case it should help to replace in the file LCLTMSFNCSearchList.pas:

  • line 2095 to
grb.DrawLine(LCLTMSFNCTypes.PointF(x, 0), LCLTMSFNCTypes.PointF(x, Height));
  • line 2408 to:
gr.DrawBitmap(LCLTMSFNCTypes.RectF(0,0,Width,Height), b);