Error Installing Aurelius 5.16


I'm triying to install Aurelius 5.16 but I get the following error when compiling for linux.(The core library compiles ok)

"E:\Components\TMS\Aurelius\packages\d11\aurelius.dproj" (Build destino) (1) ->
(_PasCoreCompile destino) ->
E:\Components\TMS\Aurelius\source\core\Aurelius.Bind.BaseDataset.pas(8): error E2225: Never-build package 'dbrtl' must be recompiled [E:\Components\TMS\Aurelius\packages\d11\aurelius.dproj]

0 Advertencia(s)
1 Errores

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

Omar Zelaya

I guess you have some bad install for your Linux platform in Delphi?
Have you tried to compile any package from Delphi IDE that requires dbrtl package/