DropBoxDataStoreDemo Exception

We are trialling the FMX CloudPack and using the DropBoxStoreDemo example program.
We have created the App in DropBox as described here:

We have successfully connected from the demo program.
However, then we click Create Sample, we get an exception on the following line in btSampleClick:
dr := ds.Rows.Add;

Presumably because the previous line failed for some reason:
ds := TMSFMXCloudDropBoxDataStore1.CreateDataStore('demo');

Please can you advise.



Please note that the DropBox DataStore API has been discontinued.
The TMSFMXCloudDropBoxDataStore component is still included with TMS FMX Cloud Pack for backwards compatibility.
If you are looking for the DropBox file storage API, please refer to TTMSFMXCloudDropBox in combination with the CloudStorageDemo application instead.