dcc32 hangs during installation?

I'm trying to install the new version of the TMS Component Pack. It is now running for about 1 hour and the setup executable does not responds. I see that de compiler process DCC32.exe is still running and takes about 50% CPU.

I had the same issue this morning and I stopped the compiling process after about 1.30h because I thought something was going wrong. So I uninstalled it and reïnstalled it to arrive at the same situation. Is it normal that the compilation takes so much time?

Running on VISTA 32bit, dual core 2, 2.26 Ghz, 3GB RAM. Delphi 2009

okay, I had to kill it again...

I started D2009 and noticed it complains about a missing bpl : TMSDeD2009
We've not received any similar problem report before. Did you make sure that before starting the installer, the processes BDS.EXE & DEXPLORER.EXE were no longer running ? If the problem persists, please contact us by direct email and include the generated INSTALL.LOG file (in \My Documents) so we can investigate.