dbadvgrid, narrowdown and readlrowindex

Hi TMS Support,

I have a "dbadvgrid" that display data. I have 10 records in the grid. I select the last record and use the line "showmessage(dbadvgrid1.RealRowIndex(dbadvgrid1.SelectedRow[0]).tostring);" to display the readrowindex. It show "10". After that, I use the line "dbadvgrid1.NarrowDown(edit1.Text);" and it filters my grid that only shows the last record (filter text = "3757"). After that, I click on the same record and use the same line to display the realrowindex and it shows "8" ? 

I dont' understand, because it's the same record.

Thanks for the help.

Did you set grid.PageMode = false?

With this setting, I could not reproduce such issue here.
If a problem persists, please provide a sample source project with which this can be reproduced via email to support.
I send a sample today.

Thanks Bruno!

We received it and we'll investigate as soon as possible.

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for the answer to my email and it works well, but I got another question.

I want to get the "rowcount" after the narrowdown, so my grid is "filtered" and I want to have the "rowcount". Is there any way to get this information ?
I already try "grid.RowCount", "grid.TotalRowCount", grid.AllRowCount". But none of this give me the right information.

Example: my grid got 3000 records, so the "rowcount" is ok. If I "narrowdown" and then there's only 150 records visible in my grid, the "rowcount" don't give me the right information.

Thanks for your help

We'll add a new property grid.FilteredRows: integer for this in the next update.

Workaround for now:

   numrows: integer;

    numrows := grid.RowCount;
    for i := grid.FixedRows to grid.RowCount - 1 do
       if grid.IsSuppressedRow(i) then

Thank you Bruno, it works great again :)

Is there a problem with the scroll too ? There's like 165 records in my grid  and when I scroll with the mouse, I see the scrollbar moving but the grid is static. It's like if the grid scroll every records, not only the filtered records ?

I could not reproduce an issue with scrolling here.
Do you have more details?

I've got a dataset with like 1500 records displayed in the grid. If I scroll down with my mouse, everything is ok. The scrollbar goes down and I see the grid going down too.

I use "narrowdown" to filter the grid and it results 242 records in the grid.
If I scroll down with my mouse, the scrollbar always go down, but sometimes the grid stop to go down while the scrollbar continue to go down.

I hope that you understand, sorry for my english!!!

I retested this with a default grid on the form where a filter is applied to retain somewhere between 200 and 250 rows from 1500 rows in total but I cannot see the phenomenon you describe:

  advstringgrid1.RowCount := 1500;
  advstringgrid1.FilterType := ftSuppress;
  caption := advstringgrid1.FilteredRows.ToString;

I try your code and it works, but I found the problem. It's when I set the propertie "WheelAction = waScroll". Now you can see that sometimes, when you scroll the scrollbar goes down but the grid didn't move.